B/BE/00/VWSP9 (winter)

Host organism: Brassica napus (Winter oilseed rape)

male sterility, fertility restorer, herbicide tolerance (glufosinate)

Project title: 
Selection and breeding program of Brassica napus hybrid parental lines and hybrids - 5 year program
Aventis CropScience
Year(s) of release: 
2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004
Effective year(s) of release: 
2000, 2001
Period of release: 
August-September (2001-2002)
In 2001: Mienlen-Boven-Aalst, Landen(*), Woubrechtegem(*), Munkzwalm(*), Nazareth, Velzeke, Bavegem, Vlierzele, Herzele, Lede, Haaltert(*), Zingem(*), St-Lieven-Houtem(*), Erpe-Mere(*), Wetteren, Assenede(*), Adegem(*), Oostrozebeke(*), Beernem(*), Waarschoot(*), Gottem(*), Dentergem(*), Zulte(*), Maldegem(*), Zottegem, Estaimpuis, Deinze, Chimay, Massemen(*). (*)Trials not carried out! / In 2002, 2003: no trials
Total surface: 
In 2001: initially 566449 m2 (transgenic material: 440300 m2), finally 274200 m2 (transgenic material: 226000 m2) (*)Due to bad weather conditions only 22 of the 57 trials were carried out!
Containment measures: 

According to the Belgian protocol for transgenic Brassicaceae (valid for the year 2000) an isolation distance of 1000 m to neighbouring commercial Brassicaceae fields has to be guaranteed as the cleaning of the drill and the combine before and after experiment. Within the isolation distance the presence of bee-keepers needs to be checked. The non-harvested oilseed rape as well as the post-harvest germinated seedlings will be destroyed. Harvest must be done before complete ripening.

Monitoring measures: 

One year after experimentation the cultivation of Brassica will be forbidden and the field will be followed as long as volunteers are observable. Volunteers and wild relatives will be destroyed.


Authorization procedure completed. The notifier was granted authorization from the Federal Minister to perform the trial.

Type of procedure: 
Simplified procedure (continued) - Art. 9§3 of Royal Decree of 18 December 1998

From 2001 on, this dossier groups both the notifications B/BE/00/VWSP10 and B/BE/00/VWSP9. Awaiting the validation of the Brassicaceae protocol for the year 2001, the previous protocol (valid for the year 2000) remains in place. Special trial conditions are used for the biosafety trial at Mettet. All the operations conducted during the trials will be recorded in a logbook, according to the Brassicaceae protocol.